Category Archives: SBS2011

Exchange 2010 AutoDiscover issue

Exchange 2010 Autodiscover was failing at one of my clients, yet none of us changed anything particularly. Thanks to Adam Miceli int he F5 Devcentral forums, the following solved our issues.   “….make sure that the Autodiscover vdir is not requiring SSL. I have had that problem. Sometimes patching causes that setting to get re-enabled.”… Read More »

SBS 2011 – cannot add additional backup destination drives – Error message when you try to add an additional disk to a scheduled backup: “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect”

Add a new disk to the backup schedule by running the wbadmin command from an elevated command prompt. Run the following command from an elevated command prompt to determine the Disk Identifier of the new disk: wbadmin get disks Based on the output, locate the disk that will be added to the scheduled backup. Make… Read More »